Sunday, January 12, 2014

Water Roads

The infrastructure is brilliant. Though certainly unintended when designed, the lack of roads in Venice have left me thinking that this might be one of the most interestingly built cities in the world. However nice this system of water transport is, the city is built on a series of islands in a lagoon, where erosion and rising tide levels cause the city to occasionally be under water. This halts trade and tourist activities, and could have a detrimental impact in the future. 

However, one solution to this comes at a cost- a series of ~70 mobile dams can be raised outside of the city to separate the Venice lagoon from the sea, allowing control of the water level of the city. For the lower level areas and shops, this significantly helps prevent flooding. Ships trying to enter the lagoon for trade or tourism, however, must wait until the dams lower, generally lasting around four or five hours.

The culture is a mix of different ethnicities and backgrounds, and although the food is not as good as I had anticipated, the city design more than makes up for it. As a shoutout to my friends who play video games, the architecture found in AC2 is spot on. The level of detail they put into making that game is astonishing, and has left me truly impressed. 

Tomorrow we head further south with an early departure. I will come back to this city someday, and I believe it is a must see for those traveling to Europe/Italy in their lifetimes, especially before it can only be viewed at the bottom of the sea.

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